Majestic Kratom Seed Pods at dusk – Mature Kratom
Majestic Kratom Seed Pods at dusk
Majestic Kratom Seed Pods at dusk- Mature Kratom. These seed pods are on a 11 year old American Grown Kratom Tree. If you would like to learn more check out our other videos. We have put out a lot of information on kratom seed pods specifically.
If you would like to buy some seed pods for yourself, you can on our sales site.
We are one of the few sources for American Kratom Seed that are available online that are actually fertile. Most kratom trees will not flower. And there is currently no direction on what makes a kratom tree flower. We have found the best way is by taking a cutting from a tree that is currently flowering or has the capacity to flower as we believe it is tied to something to do with the tree itself. You would assume that most seed pod development is seasonal. However, we have found in one particular tree that it has continued to flower for 5 years straight in multiple stages of development.
Picking Kratom Seed Pod off of the top of a Kratom Tree
Picking Kratom Seed Pod off of the top of a Kratom Tree
We got up to the top of a ladder to be able to pick almost all of the Kratom seed pods off the tree. In other videos you can see we had to build a PVC pipe to pull off the rest of the higher to reach pods.
The tree she is climbing up is a fully mature 10 year old Kratom tree. This tree has been flowering for a entire year and the pods are at there last stage of development. We are taking them off the tree before they fall off and get washed away in the rain and before they release all the seed that is inside of them.
Picking Kratom Seed Pod out of the top of a 35ft American Kratom Tree
#kratomthetree, #Kratom, #kratomwatchdog, #Kratom tree, #Kratom seed pod, #USA

Picking Kratom Seed Pod off of the top of a Kratom Tree
We got up to the top of a ladder to be able to pick almost all of the Kratom seed pods off the tree. In other videos you can see we had to build a PVC pipe to pull off the rest of the higher to reach pods.
The tree she is climbing up is a fully mature 10 year old Kratom tree. This tree has been flowering for a entire year and the pods are at there last stage of development. We are taking them off the tree before they fall off and get washed away in the rain and before they release all the seed that is inside of them.
Picking Kratom Seed Pod out of the top of a 35ft American Kratom Tree
We got up to the top of a ladder to be able to pick almost all of the Kratom seed pods off the tree. In other videos you can see we had to build a PVC pipe to pull off the rest of the higher to reach pods. Picking Kratom Seed Pod out of the top of a Kratom Tree
The tree she is climbing up is a fully mature 10 year old Kratom tree. This tree has been flowering for a entire year and the pods are at there last stage of development. We are taking them off the tree before they fall off and get washed away in the rain and before they release all the seed that is inside of them.
Picking Kratom Seed Pod off of the top of a Kratom Tree
Buy Hulu Kratom seed pods wholesale free ship
Buy Hulu Kratom seed pods wholesale free ship
Buy Hulu Kratom seed pods wholesale free ship – Fresh and ripe Kratom seed are grown for 6 – 10 year old Organic American grown Kratom trees. The growers have acclimated the trees to the gulf region. Growing instructions, and support are included for those in all environments. Below is a link to our American Kratom seed pod dissection.
Break down fertilized Kratom Flower and all it’s parts
How do you collect Kratom Seed Pods?
Buy Hulu Kratom seed pods wholesale free ship – Kratrom trees take years to mature. Because of this they can be quite tall making them hard to reach. A single kratom tree can grow to over two hundred foot tall. Our dedicated team have had to make choices on the most efficient and effective way to bring them down. A big factor that plays out over time is how we grow the trees. If we top our taller trees they will start to bush out more near the bottom. However some of our trees are too tall to reach with a ladder. We have built a Kratom Seed Pod collector for this purpose.
Kratom Seed Pod Fertilization
Kratom seed pods from the nursery are confirmed to have at least 60% fertilization. One can assess this by the projections (pods) erupting from the circular flower bulb. These continue to grow until they are mature. Once kratom seed pods are ready to release seed, the kratom seed pod husk bursts open. Kratom seed are quite small and light. The seed will blow all over out of the kratom trees.
Buy Hulu Kratom seed pods wholesale free ship – Bees and other insects are attracted to the pungent sweet smell of the kratom seed pods as they develop on the kratom trees. For that reason bees rub themselves on the stems of the exposed seed pods as they travel around the seed pod collecting the pollen in their fur as they go. While they travel from kratom tree to kratom tree the collected pollen rubs off onto the other seed pods that the bees land on. As a result this fertilizes the kratom seed pods.
On the other hand, each seed pods is to hand fertilize by staff. As well, a staff member will climb up on the ladder and grab what ever seed pods are close and rub them against each other. Turning them and spinning them in our hands to get the maximum effect. This ensures the viability of the seed pod.
Organic American Kratom Leaf is available here for purchase.
How to tell a fertile seed pod?
Buy Hulu Kratom seed pods wholesale free ship – Each Kratom seed pods also have very distinct difference between a fertile seed pod and a inftertile pod. Fertile kratom seed pods will be plump in contrast to infertile pod that are smooth and round. For that reason, make sure to be careful if you want a full pod to stay intact as they break apart from the center very easily. Most notably, this video shows every stage of a kratom seed pod.
Lastly, a infertile kratom seed pods are completely round and are very very tiny. They will almost look like a honeycomb in a ball. Infertile kratom seed pods are very soft and will roll around in the hand. In contrast, there is not much that can be done with these pods. Here is a short video to show you what they look like.
Organic American Kratom Leaf is available here for purchase.
How to sprout Kratom Seed Pod! And answering commonly asked questions!
If this is your first time growing from kratom seed our team recommends you spend a few minuets to watch this educational video. These seed pods were planted in March 2019 – June 2019 kept outdoors in very hot and humid conditions while being covered in clear plastic wrap.
The Kratom Project
Organic American Kratom Leaf is available here for purchase.
Our staff goal is to merge tech with kratom to document every single aspect of these amazing plant while we grow these magnificent We have taken kratom documentation to a new level and introduce “The Kratom Project”. On the #kratomAPP Kratom Watch Dog we tracking our kratom nursery as well as uploading every single interaction our staff has with our fully mature organic American kratom tree nursery. We track is how much and how often we water or fertilize. Furthermore, the growth with photos or video that were taken for the day that are also then accessible from that day on the Kratom Watch Dog in the Photos Section. Contact our team about “The Kratom Project” and help make history. We appreciate the continued support from the kratom community.
Utilizing a technology called NFC (Near Field Communication). Designed to store information that can be retrieved by NFC-enabled devices. Smartphones and Tablets are common to use with NFC. These small stickers of wireless technology can also allow data transfer between two NFC enabled devices.
The Kratom Bible is also available here on the #kratomAPP
The #KratomAPP
Lastly, Join us on the #kratomAPP on KratomWatchDog We are a Kratom social network built from the ground up by one of the founding member of the non-profit American Kratom Association. We are a booming social community with a focus on kratom advocacy. You can also find us on our group on Facebook by looking up Kratom The Tree or email us at We are more than happy to talk with you anytime, and share our experience.
Organic American Kratom Leaf is available here for purchase.
Red Vein Vietnam Kratom for sale free ship
Red Vein Vietnam Kratom for sale free ship
Red Vein Vietnam Kratom for sale free ship – Our very finest product is our whole kratom leaf that is grown in naturally in the USA. Each fresh leaf is equal to around .8 or 1.2g of dried leaf. Each leaf is picked to ship, for freshness we recommend you select 2 day shipping. Your leaf will keep for around eight days in the fridge or 3 – 4 days at room temperature in a sealed bag. Can be air dried to preserve the leaf at which point it can be stored like your typical Kratom leaf or powder. Whole kratom leaf is only available when the trees are flowering, and all of our leaf is picked from trees varying in age from 4 – 12 years old.
Chew Fresh American Kratom Leaf today!!
Chew Fresh American Kratom Leaf today!!
How to enjoy Fresh Raw Kratom Leaf
How to enjoy Fresh Raw Kratom Leaf
Red Vein Vietnam Kratom for sale free ship – The color of a kratom vein are determined by the content of mitragynine (alkaloids) in the vein. The purpose of producing mitragyna is to protect the tree from insects and animals from eating the leaf. It’s also a stress mechanism. The mitragyna is why the leaf is so bitter and correlates to strength. Strength also correlates to how mature the leaf is. The more mature the leaf the stronger it will be. When mature leaves mature the alkaloids are sucked back into the tree through the veins. These leaves will look more yellow. The Kratom Bible is also available here on the #kratomAPP
The more alkaloids in the vein. The more red the vein will be. Purple at the high end of alkaloids. White at the low end of alkaloids. It is possible to see all vein colors grow at the same time on the same tree. (pink,red, purple) more near the bottom as that is where they have roots as that’s where most of the nutrients are. Up the tree will be more (greens and whites). They start getting more color variation the larger they get.
Red Vein Vietnam Kratom seed pods for sale
Red Vein Vietnam Kratom seed pods for sale
Red Vein Vietnam Kratom seed pods for sale – Fresh and ripe Kratom seed are grown for 6 – 10 year old Organic American grown Kratom trees. The growers have acclimated the trees to the gulf region. Growing instructions, and support are included for those in all environments. Below is a link to our American Kratom seed pod dissection.
Break down fertilized Kratom Flower and all it’s parts
How do you collect Kratom Seed Pods?
Red Vein Vietnam Kratom seed pods for sale – Kratrom trees take years to mature. Because of this they can be quite tall making them hard to reach. A single kratom tree can grow to over two hundred foot tall. Our dedicated team have had to make choices on the most efficient and effective way to bring them down. A big factor that plays out over time is how we grow the trees. If we top our taller trees they will start to bush out more near the bottom. However some of our trees are too tall to reach with a ladder. We have built a Kratom Seed Pod collector for this purpose.
Kratom Seed Pod Fertilization
Kratom seed pods from the nursery are confirmed to have at least 60% fertilization. One can assess this by the projections (pods) erupting from the circular flower bulb. These continue to grow until they are mature. Once kratom seed pods are ready to release seed, the kratom seed pod husk bursts open. Kratom seed are quite small and light. The seed will blow all over out of the kratom trees.
Red Vein Vietnam Kratom seed pods for sale – Bees and other insects are attracted to the pungent sweet smell of the kratom seed pods as they develop on the kratom trees. For that reason bees rub themselves on the stems of the exposed seed pods as they travel around the seed pod collecting the pollen in their fur as they go. While they travel from kratom tree to kratom tree the collected pollen rubs off onto the other seed pods that the bees land on. As a result this fertilizes the kratom seed pods.
On the other hand, each seed pods is to hand fertilize by staff. As well, a staff member will climb up on the ladder and grab what ever seed pods are close and rub them against each other. Turning them and spinning them in our hands to get the maximum effect. This ensures the viability of the seed pod.
Organic American Kratom Leaf is available here for purchase.
How to tell a fertile seed pod?
Red Vein Vietnam Kratom seed pods for sale – Each Kratom seed pods also have very distinct difference between a fertile seed pod and a inftertile pod. Fertile kratom seed pods will be plump in contrast to infertile pod that are smooth and round. For that reason, make sure to be careful if you want a full pod to stay intact as they break apart from the center very easily. Most notably, this video shows every stage of a kratom seed pod.
Lastly, a infertile kratom seed pods are completely round and are very very tiny. They will almost look like a honeycomb in a ball. Infertile kratom seed pods are very soft and will roll around in the hand. In contrast, there is not much that can be done with these pods. Here is a short video to show you what they look like.
Organic American Kratom Leaf is available here for purchase.
How to sprout Kratom Seed Pod! And answering commonly asked questions!
If this is your first time growing from kratom seed our team recommends you spend a few minuets to watch this educational video. These seed pods were planted in March 2019 – June 2019 kept outdoors in very hot and humid conditions while being covered in clear plastic wrap.
The Kratom Project
Organic American Kratom Leaf is available here for purchase.
Our staff goal is to merge tech with kratom to document every single aspect of these amazing plant while we grow these magnificent We have taken kratom documentation to a new level and introduce “The Kratom Project”. On the #kratomAPP Kratom Watch Dog we tracking our kratom nursery as well as uploading every single interaction our staff has with our fully mature organic American kratom tree nursery. We track is how much and how often we water or fertilize. Furthermore, the growth with photos or video that were taken for the day that are also then accessible from that day on the Kratom Watch Dog in the Photos Section. Contact our team about “The Kratom Project” and help make history. We appreciate the continued support from the kratom community.
Utilizing a technology called NFC (Near Field Communication). Designed to store information that can be retrieved by NFC-enabled devices. Smartphones and Tablets are common to use with NFC. These small stickers of wireless technology can also allow data transfer between two NFC enabled devices.
The Kratom Bible is also available here on the #kratomAPP
The #KratomAPP
Lastly, Join us on the #kratomAPP on KratomWatchDog We are a Kratom social network built from the ground up by one of the founding member of the non-profit American Kratom Association. We are a booming social community with a focus on kratom advocacy. You can also find us on our group on Facebook by looking up Kratom The Tree or email us at We are more than happy to talk with you anytime, and share our experience.
Organic American Kratom Leaf is available here for purchase.
Buy Red Vein Vietnam Kratom seed pods whole sale
Buy Red Vein Vietnam Kratom seed pods whole sale
Buy Red Vein Vietnam Kratom seed pods whole sale – Fresh and ripe Kratom seed are grown for 6 – 10 year old Organic American grown Kratom trees. The growers have acclimated the trees to the gulf region. Growing instructions, and support are included for those in all environments. Below is a link to our American Kratom seed pod dissection.
How do you collect Kratom Seed Pods?
Buy Red Vein Vietnam Kratom seed pods whole sale – Kratom trees take years to mature. Because of this they can be quite tall making them hard to reach. A single kratom tree can grow to over two hundred foot tall. Our dedicated team have had to make choices on the most efficient and effective way to bring them down. A big factor that plays out over time is how we grow the trees. If we top our taller trees they will start to bush out more near the bottom. However some of our trees are too tall to reach with a ladder. We have built a Kratom Seed Pod collector for this purpose.
Kratom Seed Pod Fertilization
Kratom seed pods from the nursery are confirmed to have at least 60% fertilization. One can assess this by the projections (pods) erupting from the circular flower bulb. These continue to grow until they are mature. Once kratom seed pods are ready to release seed, the kratom seed pod husk bursts open. Kratom seed are quite small and light. The seed will blow all over out of the kratom trees.
Bees and other insects are attracted to the pungent sweet smell of the kratom seed pods as they develop on the kratom trees. For that reason bees rub themselves on the stems of the exposed seed pods as they travel around the seed pod collecting the pollen in their fur as they go. While they travel from kratom tree to kratom tree the collected pollen rubs off onto the other seed pods that the bees land on. As a result this fertilizes the kratom seed pods.
On the other hand, each seed pods is to hand fertilize by staff. As well, a staff member will climb up on the ladder and grab what ever seed pods are close and rub them against each other. Turning them and spinning them in our hands to get the maximum effect. This ensures the viability of the seed pod.
Organic American Kratom Leaf is available here for purchase.
How to tell a fertile seed pod?
Each Kratom seed pods also have very distinct difference between a fertile seed pod and a inftertile pod. Fertile kratom seed pods will be plump in contrast to infertile pod that are smooth and round. For that reason, make sure to be careful if you want a full pod to stay intact as they break apart from the center very easily. Most notably, this video shows every stage of a kratom seed pod.
Lastly, a infertile kratom seed pods are completely round and are very very tiny. They will almost look like a honeycomb in a ball. Infertile kratom seed pods are very soft and will roll around in the hand. In contrast, there is not much that can be done with these pods. Here is a short video to show you what they look like.
Organic American Kratom Leaf is available here for purchase.
How to sprout Kratom Seed Pod! And answering commonly asked questions!
Buy Red Vein Vietnam Kratom seed pods whole sale- If this is your first time growing from kratom seed our team recommends you spend a few minuets to watch this educational video. These seed pods were planted in March 2019 – June 2019 kept outdoors in very hot and humid conditions while being covered in clear plastic wrap.
The Kratom Project
Organic American Kratom Leaf is available here for purchase.
Our staff goal is to merge tech with kratom to document every single aspect of these amazing plant while we grow these magnificent We have taken kratom documentation to a new level and introduce “The Kratom Project”. On the #kratomAPP Kratom Watch Dog we tracking our kratom nursery as well as uploading every single interaction our staff has with our fully mature organic American kratom tree nursery. We track is how much and how often we water or fertilize. Furthermore, the growth with photos or video that were taken for the day that are also then accessible from that day on the Kratom Watch Dog in the Photos Section. Contact our team about “The Kratom Project” and help make history. We appreciate the continued support from the kratom community.
Utilizing a technology called NFC (Near Field Communication). Designed to store information that can be retrieved by NFC-enabled devices. Smartphones and Tablets are common to use with NFC. These small stickers of wireless technology can also allow data transfer between two NFC enabled devices.
The Kratom Bible is also available here on the #kratomAPP
The #KratomAPP
Buy Red Vein Vietnam Kratom seed pods whole sale – Lastly, Join us on the #kratomAPP on KratomWatchDog We are a Kratom social network built from the ground up by one of the founding member of the non-profit American Kratom Association. We are a booming social community with a focus on kratom advocacy. You can also find us on our group on Facebook by looking up Kratom The Tree or email us at We are more than happy to talk with you anytime, and share our experience.
Organic American Kratom Leaf is available here for purchase.
Red Vein Vietnam Kratom for sale – USA Kratom
Red Vein Vietnam Kratom for sale
Red Vein Vietnam Kratom for sale
Fresh Kratom Leaf
Fresh Kratom Leaf- As with the changing of the season. We are coming to the end of Winter and turning into spring. The leaf is now at it’s at it’s most mature, after being subjected to the reduced rain fall of the dry season. It really doesn’t get better than this folks. Mature leaf is known to be bitter, and this is no exception. Best enjoyed with honey or sugar!
We are the only kratom vendor online that offers fresh leaf from fully mature kratom trees. Whole kratom leaf is only available when the trees are flowering, and all of our leaf is picked from trees varying in age from 5 – 11 years old. Each leaf is picked to ship, for freshness we recommend you select 2 day shipping. Your leaf will keep for around eight days in the fridge or 3 – 4 days at room temperature in a sealed bag. Can be air dried to preserve the leaf at which point it can be stored like your typical leaf or powder.
Kratom – The sweet treat of The South East
When the natives in South East Asia have a sore throat they will go out in the fields and pick some fresh leaf off of the trees. Placing some sugar in the center and then chew on the leaf. When they chew the leaf the sugar mixes with the fresh leaf and becomes sort of like a tasty paste. This paste will retain its sweet taste all the way through. This helps relieve sore your throat and makes the day much more bearable. Below we have written a guide to show you how.
Step 1: Pick some fresh leaf off of your tree. Any leaf will do but we recommend using larger leaves as they are easier to work with.
Step 2: Add sugar to the center of your Kratom Leaf
Step 3: Roll up your Fresh Kratom Leaf and enjoy! Chew the leaf for 3-5 min and either spit or swallow.
How should fresh kratom leaf be stored?
Each fresh leaf is picked to ship. For the Freshness we recommend you select 2 day shipping. Your leaf will keep for around five to seven days in the fridge or three to four days at room temperature in a sealed bag. Leaf can be air dried to preserve the leaf at which point it can be stored like your typical leaf or powder.
Brewing Kratom Tea with Fresh Kratom Leaf
Step 1: Prepare your pot and water. Bring a pot of water simmering boil.
Step 2: While your pot reaches temperature. Chop up 30 fresh kratom leaf.
Step 3: Once your pot is at a simmering boil add your fresh leaf to the pot.
Step 4: Add 4 table spoons of lemon juice
Step 5: Boil your leaf for 35 minutes.
But wait! Do not throw out the leaf yet! You can reuse that leaf to make another pot or two. Enjoy
If you would prefer crushed leaf. Our nursery does offer crushed leaf here!
What are kratom vein colors?
The color of a kratom vein are determined by the content of mitragynine (alkaloids) in the vein. The purpose of producing mitragynan is to protect the tree from insects and animals from eating the leaf. It’s also a stress mechanism. The mitragynan is why the leaf is so bitter and correlates to strength. This is why more mature leaf is more bitter then fresh leaf. When kratom leaves mature the alkaloids are sucked back into the tree through the veins. These leaves will look more yellow.
In winter you see mostly white and green with some red. Spring, mostly green, white, some red, with pink starting to show up. In summer, Seed pod are popping up, you see green, white, pink, red, purple. This continues to happens thru Fall. We should note seed pods are best to pick off the tree in Jan – April. Kratom Vein colors usually have its darkest vein color at the exterior of the plant. Getting lighter as you go inward. But is harder to see in summer – fall as all colors are on the tree. Want to know more? The Kratom Bible is also available here on the #kratomAPP
The more alkaloids in the vein. The more red the vein will be. Purple at the high end of alkaloids. White at the low end of alkaloids. It is possible to see all vein colors grow at the same time on the same tree. (pink, red, purple) more near the bottom as that is where they have roots as that’s where most of the nutrients are. Up the tree will be more (greens and whites). They start getting more color variation the larger they get.
Mature Kratom Leaf?
Mature Kratom Leaf has been sitting on the trees for months before it is picked. Kratom leaf matures over time and as the leaf ages it becomes stronger. This is kratom leaf’s normal life cycle. You can tell a mature leaf will show signs of aging. Edges of the leaf will be a bit more weathered. Leaf that has been further along in the season will have a more yellowish color to the leaf.
How do you de-veining kratom leaf?
What is de-veining? De-veining is taking the main stem that runs thru the kratom leaf and extracting the vein out of the leaf. Veins can be chewy and do not break down as easily while chewing.
How is Mature Kratom Leaf Traditionally Eaten?
In the fields of Indoneasia workers will traditionally fresh raw kratom leaf is chewed orally. Over the course of the day. Traditionally Indonesian farmers will chew 2 – 5 leaf over the course of the day for increased stamina.
How much does fresh kratom leaf weigh?
We get this question often asking how much does Fresh Leaf American Kratom weigh? So we decided to make a short video to show you the differences. Most fresh leaf is equivalent to around .8 grams – 1.2 grams wet. When dried, kratom leaf does not loose a majority of it’s weight maybe a .1 grams to .2 grams.
How long should I expect Shipping to take?
All Kratom leaf will only ship out Monday – Wednesday. Customers can select either 2 -day Priority USPS Mail or expedited Shipping. Our friendly staff members will ship out your normally by 2 pm. Each order will receive a notification and tracking number once the order goes out. Before contacting our staff we recommend that you check your email and spam filter encase you might have missed us. Our staff can be reached at our Email us. A member of our helpful staff would be more than happy to talk with you anytime.
What happens if there is an issue with you order?
We guarantee to get to your leaf to your door healthy and green. But, sometimes things can happen. If there is ever an issue with your order please contact our team immediately. We ask that you email us at it is helpful if you also include a photo of the situation. Our helpful staff will try to respond within the hour.
Picking Kratom Seed Pods off a American Tree 20ft in the air
Picking Kratom Seed Pods off a American Tree 20ft in the air
Picking Kratom Seed Pods off a American Tree 20ft in the air – This was filmed in the middle of March 2019. This tree is a 9 year old Mature Kratom Tree. There are not as many Kratom seed pods on this particular tree compared to the other trees. I had to climb up very high up onto a ladder to retrieve all of the seed pods on this tree. It did not help that this was a particularly windy day. The tree and myself were blown around quite a bit but luckily I did not fall. This tree has been producing seed pods for around 8 months and the pods were the ripest pods at the time of recording. I took the pods off the tree so that they would not be blown off the tree before I could retrieve them. They are quite resilient and will cling to the branches most of the time.
Red Vein Vietnam Kratom seed pods for sale
Picking Kratom Seed Pods off a American Tree 20ft in the airRed Vein Vietnam Kratom seed pods for sale – Fresh and ripe Kratom seed are grown for 6 – 10 year old Organic American grown Kratom trees. The growers have acclimated the trees to the gulf region. Growing instructions, and support are included for those in all environments. Below is a link to our American Kratom seed pod dissection.
How do you collect Kratom Seed Pods?
Picking Kratom Seed Pods off a American Tree 20ft in the air – Kratrom trees take years to mature. Because of this they can be quite tall making them hard to reach. A single kratom tree can grow to over two hundred foot tall. Our dedicated team have had to make choices on the most efficient and effective way to bring them down. A big factor that plays out over time is how we grow the trees. If we top our taller trees they will start to bush out more near the bottom. However some of our trees are too tall to reach with a ladder. We have built a Kratom Seed Pod collector for this purpose.
Kratom Seed Pod Fertilization
Kratom seed pods from the nursery are confirmed to have at least 60% fertilization. One can assess this by the projections (pods) erupting from the circular flower bulb. These continue to grow until they are mature. Once kratom seed pods are ready to release seed, the kratom seed pod husk bursts open. Kratom seed are quite small and light. The seed will blow all over out of the kratom trees.
Picking Kratom Seed Pods off a American Tree 20ft in the air – Bees and other insects are attracted to the pungent sweet smell of the kratom seed pods as they develop on the kratom trees. For that reason bees rub themselves on the stems of the exposed seed pods as they travel around the seed pod collecting the pollen in their fur as they go. While they travel from kratom tree to kratom tree the collected pollen rubs off onto the other seed pods that the bees land on. As a result this fertilizes the kratom seed pods.
On the other hand, each seed pods is to hand fertilize by staff. As well, a staff member will climb up on the ladder and grab what ever seed pods are close and rub them against each other. Turning them and spinning them in our hands to get the maximum effect. This ensures the viability of the seed pod.
Organic American Kratom Leaf is available here for purchase.
How to tell a fertile seed pod?
Picking Kratom Seed Pods off a American Tree 20ft in the air – Each Kratom seed pods also have very distinct difference between a fertile seed pod and a inftertile pod. Fertile kratom seed pods will be plump in contrast to infertile pod that are smooth and round. For that reason, make sure to be careful if you want a full pod to stay intact as they break apart from the center very easily. Most notably, this video shows every stage of a kratom seed pod.
Lastly, a infertile kratom seed pods are completely round and are very very tiny. They will almost look like a honeycomb in a ball. Infertile kratom seed pods are very soft and will roll around in the hand. In contrast, there is not much that can be done with these pods. Here is a short video to show you what they look like.
Organic American Kratom Leaf is available here for purchase.
How to sprout Kratom Seed Pod! And answering commonly asked questions!
If this is your first time growing from kratom seed our team recommends you spend a few minuets to watch this educational video. These seed pods were planted in March 2019 – June 2019 kept outdoors in very hot and humid conditions while being covered in clear plastic wrap.
The Kratom Project
Organic American Kratom Leaf is available here for purchase.
Our staff goal is to merge tech with kratom to document every single aspect of these amazing plant while we grow these magnificent We have taken kratom documentation to a new level and introduce “The Kratom Project”. On the #kratomAPP Kratom Watch Dog we tracking our kratom nursery as well as uploading every single interaction our staff has with our fully mature organic American kratom tree nursery. We track is how much and how often we water or fertilize. Furthermore, the growth with photos or video that were taken for the day that are also then accessible from that day on the Kratom Watch Dog in the Photos Section. Contact our team about “The Kratom Project” and help make history. We appreciate the continued support from the kratom community.
Utilizing a technology called NFC (Near Field Communication). Designed to store information that can be retrieved by NFC-enabled devices. Smartphones and Tablets are common to use with NFC. These small stickers of wireless technology can also allow data transfer between two NFC enabled devices.
The Kratom Bible is also available here on the #kratomAPP
The #KratomAPP
Picking Kratom Seed Pods off a American Tree 20ft in the air – Lastly, Join us on the #kratomAPP on KratomWatchDog We are a Kratom social network built from the ground up by one of the founding member of the non-profit American Kratom Association. We are a booming social community with a focus on kratom advocacy. You can also find us on our group on Facebook by looking up Kratom The Tree or email us at We are more than happy to talk with you anytime, and share our experience.
Organic American Kratom Leaf is available here for purchase.
Developing Kratom Seed Pods in beginning stages hanging on a Kratom tree
Developing Kratom Seed Pods in beginning stages hanging on a Kratom tree
Developing Kratom Seed Pods in beginning stages hanging on a Kratom tree – Fresh and ripe Kratom seed are grown for 6 – 10 year old Organic American grown Kratom trees. The growers have acclimated the trees to the gulf region. Growing instructions, and support are included for those in all environments. Below is a link to our American Kratom seed pod dissection.
How do you collect Kratom Seed Pods?
Developing Kratom Seed Pods in beginning stages hanging on a Kratom tree – Kratrom trees take years to mature. Because of this they can be quite tall making them hard to reach. A single kratom tree can grow to over two hundred foot tall. Our dedicated team have had to make choices on the most efficient and effective way to bring them down. A big factor that plays out over time is how we grow the trees. If we top our taller trees they will start to bush out more near the bottom. However some of our trees are too tall to reach with a ladder. We have built a Kratom Seed Pod collector for this purpose.
Kratom Seed Pod Fertilization
Kratom seed pods from the nursery are confirmed to have at least 60% fertilization. One can assess this by the projections (pods) erupting from the circular flower bulb. These continue to grow until they are mature. Once kratom seed pods are ready to release seed, the kratom seed pod husk bursts open. Kratom seed are quite small and light. The seed will blow all over out of the kratom trees.
Developing Kratom Seed Pods in beginning stages hanging on a Kratom tree – Bees and other insects are attracted to the pungent sweet smell of the kratom seed pods as they develop on the kratom trees. For that reason bees rub themselves on the stems of the exposed seed pods as they travel around the seed pod collecting the pollen in their fur as they go. While they travel from kratom tree to kratom tree the collected pollen rubs off onto the other seed pods that the bees land on. As a result this fertilizes the kratom seed pods.
On the other hand, each seed pods is to hand fertilize by staff. As well, a staff member will climb up on the ladder and grab what ever seed pods are close and rub them against each other. Turning them and spinning them in our hands to get the maximum effect. This ensures the viability of the seed pod.
Organic American Kratom Leaf is available here for purchase.
How to tell a fertile seed pod?
Developing Kratom Seed Pods in beginning stages hanging on a Kratom tree – Fresh and ripe Kratom seed are grown for 6 – 10 year old Organic American grown Kratom trees. The growers have acclimated the trees to the gulf region. Growing instructions, and support are included for those in all environments. Below is a link to our American Kratom seed pod dissection. – Each Kratom seed pods also have very distinct difference between a fertile seed pod and a inftertile pod. Fertile kratom seed pods will be plump in contrast to infertile pod that are smooth and round. For that reason, make sure to be careful if you want a full pod to stay intact as they break apart from the center very easily. Most notably, this video shows every stage of a kratom seed pod.
Lastly, a infertile kratom seed pods are completely round and are very very tiny. They will almost look like a honeycomb in a ball. Infertile kratom seed pods are very soft and will roll around in the hand. In contrast, there is not much that can be done with these pods. Here is a short video to show you what they look like.
Organic American Kratom Leaf is available here for purchase.
How to sprout Kratom Seed Pod! And answering commonly asked questions!
If this is your first time growing from kratom seed our team recommends you spend a few minuets to watch this educational video. These seed pods were planted in March 2019 – June 2019 kept outdoors in very hot and humid conditions while being covered in clear plastic wrap.
The Kratom Project
Organic American Kratom Leaf is available here for purchase.
Our staff goal is to merge tech with kratom to document every single aspect of these amazing plant while we grow these magnificent We have taken kratom documentation to a new level and introduce “The Kratom Project”. On the #kratomAPP Kratom Watch Dog we tracking our kratom nursery as well as uploading every single interaction our staff has with our fully mature organic American kratom tree nursery. We track is how much and how often we water or fertilize. Furthermore, the growth with photos or video that were taken for the day that are also then accessible from that day on the Kratom Watch Dog in the Photos Section. Contact our team about “The Kratom Project” and help make history. We appreciate the continued support from the kratom community.
Utilizing a technology called NFC (Near Field Communication). Designed to store information that can be retrieved by NFC-enabled devices. Smartphones and Tablets are common to use with NFC. These small stickers of wireless technology can also allow data transfer between two NFC enabled devices.
The Kratom Bible is also available here on the #kratomAPP
The #KratomAPP
Lastly, Join us on the #kratomAPP on KratomWatchDog We are a Kratom social network built from the ground up by one of the founding member of the non-profit American Kratom Association. We are a booming social community with a focus on kratom advocacy. You can also find us on our group on Facebook by looking up Kratom The Tree or email us at We are more than happy to talk with you anytime, and share our experience.
Organic American Kratom Leaf is available here for purchase.
Bouncing a branch of Mature Kratom Seed Pods
Bouncing a branch of Mature Kratom Seed Pods
Bouncing a branch of Mature Kratom Seed Pods – Fresh and ripe Kratom seed are grown for 6 – 10 year old Organic American grown Kratom trees. The growers have acclimated the trees to the gulf region. Growing instructions, and support are included for those in all environments. Below is a link to our American Kratom seed pod dissection.
Break down fertilized Kratom Flower and all it’s parts
How do you collect Kratom Seed Pods?
Bouncing a branch of Mature Kratom Seed Pods – Kratrom trees take years to mature. Because of this they can be quite tall making them hard to reach. A single kratom tree can grow to over two hundred foot tall. Our dedicated team have had to make choices on the most efficient and effective way to bring them down. A big factor that plays out over time is how we grow the trees. If we top our taller trees they will start to bush out more near the bottom. However some of our trees are too tall to reach with a ladder. We have built a Kratom Seed Pod collector for this purpose.
Kratom Seed Pod Fertilization
Kratom seed pods from the nursery are confirmed to have at least 60% fertilization. One can assess this by the projections (pods) erupting from the circular flower bulb. These continue to grow until they are mature. Once kratom seed pods are ready to release seed, the kratom seed pod husk bursts open. Kratom seed are quite small and light. The seed will blow all over out of the kratom trees.
Bouncing a branch of Mature Kratom Seed Pods – Bees and other insects are attracted to the pungent sweet smell of the kratom seed pods as they develop on the kratom trees. For that reason bees rub themselves on the stems of the exposed seed pods as they travel around the seed pod collecting the pollen in their fur as they go. While they travel from kratom tree to kratom tree the collected pollen rubs off onto the other seed pods that the bees land on. As a result this fertilizes the kratom seed pods.
On the other hand, each seed pods is to hand fertilize by staff. As well, a staff member will climb up on the ladder and grab what ever seed pods are close and rub them against each other. Turning them and spinning them in our hands to get the maximum effect. This ensures the viability of the seed pod.
Organic American Kratom Leaf is available here for purchase.
How to tell a fertile seed pod?
Bouncing a branch of Mature Kratom Seed Pods- Each Kratom seed pods also have very distinct difference between a fertile seed pod and a inftertile pod. Fertile kratom seed pods will be plump in contrast to infertile pod that are smooth and round. For that reason, make sure to be careful if you want a full pod to stay intact as they break apart from the center very easily. Most notably, this video shows every stage of a kratom seed pod.
Lastly, a infertile kratom seed pods are completely round and are very very tiny. They will almost look like a honeycomb in a ball. Infertile kratom seed pods are very soft and will roll around in the hand. In contrast, there is not much that can be done with these pods. Here is a short video to show you what they look like.
Organic American Kratom Leaf is available here for purchase.
How to sprout Kratom Seed Pod! And answering commonly asked questions!
If this is your first time growing from kratom seed our team recommends you spend a few minuets to watch this educational video. These seed pods were planted in March 2019 – June 2019 kept outdoors in very hot and humid conditions while being covered in clear plastic wrap.
The Kratom Project
Organic American Kratom Leaf is available here for purchase.
Our staff goal is to merge tech with kratom to document every single aspect of these amazing plant while we grow these magnificent We have taken kratom documentation to a new level and introduce “The Kratom Project”. On the #kratomAPP Kratom Watch Dog we tracking our kratom nursery as well as uploading every single interaction our staff has with our fully mature organic American kratom tree nursery. We track is how much and how often we water or fertilize. Furthermore, the growth with photos or video that were taken for the day that are also then accessible from that day on the Kratom Watch Dog in the Photos Section. Contact our team about “The Kratom Project” and help make history. We appreciate the continued support from the kratom community.
Utilizing a technology called NFC (Near Field Communication). Designed to store information that can be retrieved by NFC-enabled devices. Smartphones and Tablets are common to use with NFC. These small stickers of wireless technology can also allow data transfer between two NFC enabled devices.
The Kratom Bible is also available here on the #kratomAPP
The #KratomAPP
Lastly, Join us on the #kratomAPP on KratomWatchDog We are a Kratom social network built from the ground up by one of the founding member of the non-profit American Kratom Association. We are a booming social community with a focus on kratom advocacy. You can also find us on our group on Facebook by looking up Kratom The Tree or email us at We are more than happy to talk with you anytime, and share our experience.
Organic American Kratom Leaf is available here for purchase.
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